Everyone remembers their childhood. Well I do...okay I'm 17 so it wasn't such a long time ago.
Remember your first Dream-Jobs? I wanted to be a singer when I was about 4 I think. I still do sometimes haha. In second grade all the girls wanted to become a Star, a model or a fashion designer....not me. I wanted to become the POPE. Yes, I knew I was a girl and yeap, I knew I probably didn't have the qualifications but hey, I heard the pope doesn't pay taxes. How cool is that? Exactly! Really cool. So without knowing what taxes even are I knew what i wanted to become.
With growing up I started to realise that I dont want to have a job where you earn a lot of money but being so annoyed of it by the end of the day.
I wanted to become something that makes me happy.
Since kindergarden I loved to draw...well okay I think all kids like painting and drawing...but my love for it didn't fade. It grew and I am still loving it.
Since I was in 9th grade or something I wanted to become a media-designer. And my thoughts about it haven't changed yet. My parents didnt support me at the beginning because they thought it was only a "Dream-Job" as the dream to become a pope...and I can say..yes. It is my dream job and I do want to become a media-designer. A few months ago my parents understood that it really is what I want and after a lot of arguements and fights I finally have their support. Some of you may be curious about my skills..or maybe I have to prove it? haha anyways here are some of my Drawings, hope you like them (:

(sorry for the bad quality by the way)
What I am trying to say is that in my eyes it is more important to do more of what makes you happy.
Maybe I wont earn a lot of money one day and maybe some people will try to bring you down and prevent you to keep going but who cares? As long as I am waking up with a smile on my face because I love what I am doing..then I know that I did everything right in my life and no one can tell you something else.
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