Helloooo, sorry for not posting for a while I've been busy packing for London and I'm moving house haha.
Today's topic is about the German national team duhhh.
So before I start to talk about them, I want to talk about a way more serious thing that I read about a few weeks ago.
First of all, I love football. And to be honest I was supporting Croatia, of course since my parents are both Croatians. My opinion about this years World Cup? ...too many teams got further than they deserved it.
But this brings me to the serious point.
I read about some things that really shocked me.
I also watched a documentary.
It was about nowadays Mafia and their influence in football.
A lot of football matches were manipulated because the Mafia made bets and wanted their team to win.
Their influence got so bad that people have to pay with their lifes if they just cross their way.
The documentary was about the Mafia killing a man's children because he was crossing their way and getting into their business.
So I always loved watching football but now that I know what's going on behind all this, the joy got less.
This is supposed to be a supportive post so here we go!
This picture describes my thoughts about the German football team.
At the beginning of the World Cup I didn't really care about their games but as soon as Croatia got kicked out I was supporting them, of course....
Not really. I wasn't hahaha
I wanted any other team to win but only because I wanted to annoy my friends but thats a different story.
So watching their games is entertaining with Müller's ways of running.
If you get to read this post before the final, please concentrate on Müller and just watch him and the ways he runs around. It's so ridiculous but working out almost every single time. He always finds a way to stand there with no one around him.
Amazing haha.
If anyone is not sharing my opinion then I'm sorry.
As I said I love watching it, no one said I understand what I'm talking about.
Hope you'll enjoy the final.
I think Germany will win 3:1 (:
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