Samstag, 20. September 2014

What I realized about Diets and losing weight

Helloooo you!

I know today is the third Saturday of September and yes I said the second Saturday will be a cooking day and this post may be a food related


I kind of realized that I dont even eat properly, like I sometimes don't even have three meals a day..
So yeah I guess I was too optimistic the day that I thought to make food every second Saturday haha

What I thought doing or posting every second Saturday?
I don't know yet but I feel like I could talk about something health or food related...we'll see.

So the last week was a week full of stress and mood swings and yeah also thoughts about losing weight and dieting.

But a special person, I know you're reading this so again thank you!, made me realize something.

I feel like a lot women. 
I'm not happy with my body.

But instead of starting a diet and lose as much weight as I can...I want to try to actually eat properly.

Last week I understood that I don't drink enough at all.
It took me two days to drink one litre of water...
AND like I said before, I don't even have three meals.
I don't breakfast which is really unhealthy and sometimes I just forget to eat.

So instead of dieting and being unhappy because you have to quit food you may like or enjoy,
I will try to be healthier.

I think it will not just help my body, call me weird but I really think eating healthy can help your soul.
If you have enough energy, and you're hydrated...that sounded smart, you will be happier and less stressed.

So yeah, whoever is starting a diet or actually doing one...please think about this post,
Plus..if we all don't diet and we all have a bit more will be normal if you get what I mean..

Probably not but oh well.

I know this post wasn't a recipe but it was at least food related.

Sorry for dissapointing you but I once almost burnt our kitchen and now that we moved house...I don't think my mother would let me even try to cook something again hahaha

I hope you have a nice and beautiful week 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Most people start a diet for the wrong reasons. It should be that you're losing weight because you love your body not because you hate it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I agree, if people would realize that they dont have to diet, just eat healthier, they would lose weight and get more energy :)
