Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014

Blogmas Day 2: I regret my actions, minds and words.

Hello :)
It's the second Day of Decembeeer whoop whoooop!
Today's topic is something that I think about a lot.

Sometimes..it happens quite often actually,
I start thinking about myself and the way I am living my life.
And then I end up asking myself the same questions every single time...

Am I happy with my life?
Am I happy with myself?

Don't get me wrong I am not talking about my weight or my style or anything related to that.
I am talking about myself as a person.

I have people in my life who can make me instantly happy just by looking at them and they've done so much for me.
I could never give them any of their love and happiness back.

I really want to be a happy and positive person and I do force myself to stay positive.
But I feel like I am not ...do you know what I mean?

Ugh it's hard to explain...this is not supposed to be a sad post
the time around Christmas just makes me really happy and...sentimental I guess?

I just want to give everyone the happiness back that I am getting every single day.
I want to be the person who can make someone's day.
I want to help.

I just want to be a good human.
Knowing that I did everything right in my life.

And I have to admit..until now I really regret a lot of things.
A lot of spoken words when I had my mood swings.
I feel really bad about it.

I want to change my attitude.
My way of living.
My way of seeing life.

I want to be happy.
But the most important..
I want to be the reason why other people are happy.

2 Kommentare:

  1. When i read this, i think you are alone?! That you live is for other People the great Thing and make them happy - see it like that ;-)
    Sorry, when i write that, Google make the words wrong :(
    I know what you mean, but if you are not happy with yourself or your life, how will you make other People happy?
    The life is GREAT..every day you must be thankful that you live. Look what you have, thats enough. Other People doesn´t have this also.
    My life was hard and i was always alone...but now i have my Little Family. My husband and daughter are the reason why i can love other People. I love my friends, familiy and my pets. I love the nature, the animals,....Look what wonderful world we have and say to yourself - i feel great!!!
    sorry for the bad english ;-)

    1. I understood everything you said.
      Thank you for this comment you are so right :)
