Sonntag, 4. Januar 2015

I'm sorry.

If I could turn back time
to the day I've let you hanging.
I would've changed my decisions.

But I'm young,
forgive me I'm young
I make mistakes like everyone else.
I chose the wrong path.
The wrong side

And now I'm staring into darkness.
Facing the truth that I lost you.
Begging for a second try won't change a single thing.

It's too late for another try and 
I've realized that too late.

Saying sorry won't heal the scars.
Saying sorry won't bring back the lost time.
Saying sorry won't let you forget about the time I've let you hanging.

Regret will make you realize what you've lost.
I lost you.
Breaking into pieces because you realize the only thing that held you together is gone.
I lost you.

And now I'm standing here in the rain.
Feeling every raindrop on my broken skin.
Waiting for forgiveness.

Being patient might help.
But sometimes you know it won't.
I lost you.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oje das tut mir leid. Einen Freund wegen einer Fehlentscheidung zu verlieren ist hart. Aber man trifft sich immer zweimal im Leben ;-) Man darf nur nie aufhören es wieder gut zu machen, wenn einem die Freundschaft so wichtig ist.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Ja das hab ich auch gemerkt
      Ich werd auch nicht aufhören..ich glaub ich bin auf einem ganz guten weg (:
      Liebe Grüße!
