Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

Be who YOU want to be

We're living in a world where society tells you you're not good enough.
We live in a world where we look up to the wrong people.

Instead of looking up to people whose characters and personalities shine brighter than the sun,
we look up to those who just look good from the out.

I am someone who doesn't care what other people think about me.
If they like me or not, thats fine.
You can't make everyone happy.

But I am also that kind of person who hates to disappoint the people you love or you feel responsible for.
But that doesn't mean that I am not myself.
I know alot of people who are different around other people.
If someone doesn't accept you the way you are then tell him or her there's the's a metaphor..but if there really is a door then go ahead and show 'em!

I love this quote.
If you want to be happy and live a life full of have to be who you really are.
Be happy with yourself.

No one is perfect.
Everyone has imperfections.
The moment you accept yourself will be the moment you can say that you are truly happy.
Happiness comes from the inside.

Don't change for anyone.
You're perfect as you are, with all your imperfections and as you may call it "bad habbits".
Someone will step into your life and love you for exactly these things.

Life is way too short to worry about things like that.
Be happy and enjoy every single second of your life.
You won't get these seconds back so make something out of it!

I hope everyone is having a great day and week (:

3 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schön geschrieben Bozana! Genieße das Leben und den Augenblick, belaste dich nicht mit unnötigen Dingen und lass Menschen ziehen, die dich runter ziehen oder ändern wollen. Das Leben ist wirklich viel zu kurz um sich damit zu belasten.
    Liebe Grüße Tanja aus dem heute sonnigen Österreich <3

    1. Danke dir Tanja!
      Liebe Grüße aus dem immer kalten und grauen München :( <3

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