Donnerstag, 5. März 2015

Move on.

I tried to move on 
move on from the past
a new beginning
with a new start
With you.

With you.

Now I'm here 
standing in the rain
so you can't see the tears running down from my face
They're screaming for you

For you.

I tried to move on
I catched you from your fall
I reached for your hand
But you didn't take it.

Forget the past.
You didn't
Face the future.
You didn't
I'm facing it.
Without you.

Without you.

It's all my fault?
I tell you it isn't
I've done some bad things but you told me to forget it.

I forgot but you didn't.
Why didn't you tell me.
Tell me it hurts.
I would've taken the pain from you.

From you.

But it's over and all that's left are the good memories you try to remember.
Where have they been.
They're so far away.
It's starting to fade.
The good memories of you.

Of you.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hei Bozana,
    lange schon nichts mehr gehört von dir. Alles in Ordnung bei dir?
    LG Tanja

    1. Halloo Tanja,
      ja ich weiß ich war lange weg.
      Bei mir steht das Abi an und ich hätte nicht gedacht dass es so stressig ist.
      Wenn man so viel Stress hat, kommt dann auch noch eine kreativblockade
      Aber sonst ist alles gut :)
      Alles klar bei dir? (:
      LG Bozana

    2. Hei Bozana,
      ja alles im grünen Bereich ;-) Abi geht vor, klar! Dann mal brav lernen und sich auf die Reise vorfreuen
      LG Tanja

    3. Ich geb mein bestes!
      Liebe grüße (:
