Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

My "beauty" favourites.

Hello everyone!
Today I want to talk about a topic that is quite random or lets say rarely spoken about on here.
I'm a girl..duuh
And I do like that girly stuff...you know makeup and things like that.

So today I wanted to share my favourites with you.

Number #1: Perfumes

I got two perfumes for Christmas and I absolutely love them. On the left you can see the "Miss Dior, Blooming Bouquet" - by Dior and on the right the "Daisy" - by Marc Jacobs. I love both of them and wear them everyday. Both of them have this fresh and blooming smell...I mean obviously..ahaha
If you're searching for a everyday perfume then I would highly recommend these two (:

Number #2: Zoeva-Rose Golden Luxury Set

For years...literally years..I was waiting for this moment. I finally have the rose golden zoeva brush set! They came with the mail today! I was so happy and I have to say I'm not disappointed. I tried them out right after I took these pictures for you and they really are amazing. I just love them! The reason I waited so long to get them is because the price was always something I was kind of worrying about. I am not that kind of person who wants to spend 60€ on a brush set...but everyone was hyping these brushes so I had to get them and I really see why.

Number #3: KIKO - Eyeshadow Palette 

The other thing I couldn't resist to buy was the eyeshadow palette from KIKO with six eyeshadows. I bought six colours I knew I hadn't in my collection yet and I knew I would use. As you can see..I'm more of a nudy and peachy person. I like to use these as a base and then slowly build up a smoky eye with the brown tone :)

Number #4: Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser Starter Kit

The last thing I want to mention in this post is a face cleanser from Liz Earle.
One thing you have to know about me is that I am lazy.
I mean who's not.
Especially the girls will understand me when I say that it's just annoying to put the makeup off as it takes ages to get it really clean.
This is why I love this Hot Cloth Cleanser.
Here is how it works: You take two pumps of this Cleanser and start rubbing or massaging your face with it.
Then you take the Cloth that comes with the kit and put it under warm water...sweep it over your face and it will take all the makeup or dirt or whatever you got there on your face off..after that you just splash your face with cold water and voila, you're done!
Amazing I know :D
No more things to add to this, right?

So that's it what I've got for you today.
I'm sorry it really is different to the usual topics I talk about but I thought I'd just share these few things with you (:

4 Kommentare:

  1. Juhu Bozana, Pinseln, herrlich, ich habe sie auch gerade für mich entdeckt. Der Flakon vom Parfum sieht ja niedlich aus.
    Liebe Grüße Tanja

    1. Hallo Tanja!
      Ja oh gott ich liebe diese pinsel, die sind so weich haha!
      Ja die parfüms sehen toll aus...war vielleich mit grund warum ich sie haben wollte hahaha
      Liebe Grüße!

  2. I love the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish! And it lasts ages! Really like your blog, I also did a skincare blog post: http://theridetohappiness.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/skincare.html

    1. This product is amazing!
      Thank you very much I will have a look at your blog! x
