Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014

Blogmas Day 3: The poem that changed my life


Today, I want to share an amazing poem.
This poem is my favourite and it really changed my life.
Whenever I read it, it gets me.
Every single time.

It's called Invictus and it's written by William Ernest Henley.

The first time I heard about that poem was when I watched the movie called "Invictus".
It's about Nelson Mandela's life and how he made it through 27 years of being in jail and how he achieved building up a kind of friendship between the two sides of South Africa.

This movie is amazing.
I absolutely love it.
You should definitely watch it.

Back to the poem.
This poem hits my emotional side every single time.
I think what Mandela said in the movie is that this poem gave him strength to go through jail and this hard time.

And reading this poem gives me strength.
Whenever I feel sad or down I read it.
And it does make me feel stronger.

It's not just the poem.
It's also the story about Mandela.
He is one of the people who did so much for this world.
He made a change.
And he was strong enough to get through all of it.

My favourite line in this poem is 
"I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul"

I mean the whole poem is just amazing.
I don't know,,maybe it's just me.

But I really wanted to share this.
In case if you're having a bad or hard time.
I hope it helps you as much as it helped me :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. That´s great! I also love this poem, recently I´ve posted in my blog about it Toma la iniciativa
    Nice post :)

    1. That's awesome!
      Great to hear that (:
      And thank you :)
