Freitag, 27. Juni 2014

Nowadays youth

Hola amigos! - Spanish..i think?

Sometimes I start thinking about the teenagers these days and in which way we've changed to older generations. People say you can't compare them because back then, life was different to today's life.

But that's wrong. Of course you can't compare everything but you can compare some things.
The older generations don't think too well about our youth. They say we focus on things that don't matter, for example fashion, love and friends. You can't tell me that this wasn't the same back then.

One thing that did change our youth is the technology...but is that bad?
Okay some teenagers may "waste" their time on it but I am thinking about the good things of technology.
I mean let's take me as an example...okay my parents still see it as a waste of time, but some people don't understand that this is a new way of connecting to people you probably would never get to meet.
Watching videos on youtube and seeing that people understand you because they are talking about the exact same problems, listening to music because the lyrics describes exactly how you feel...

The internet is a new opportunity for people to express themselves. It's a new way of sharing their thoughts, their life with I am doing on here.
For me this is a good thing and not any waste of time.

A negative thing about nowaday's youth are their sets of goals.
I was sitting in my English class a few months ago and we talked about freemales and if we want to get married one day.

Every single girl in my class said no. I don't know if it's just the german youth but I heard that often over here.
The most important thing for them is to build up a career and maybe having a child one day...but getting married? They don't understand why.

Well I mean it's their opinion, but I was shocked.
My goal in life is to build up a family..why is money important if you don't have anyone to share it with?
Money doesn't buy happiness.
I don't really care how much money I will earn one day, I also explained that in my Catching my dreams Blogpost, if it makes me happy then I know I did everything right.
So the most important thing for my family and I feel like back then, the youth thought the same.

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